
����Walls of Shame: The US-Mexican Border l Featured Documentaries

                 Democrats Engaging In Convenient Shortsightedness 

The U.S. Government Is Currently On  Day 10 of a "Partial Government Shutdown" With No End In Sight! House Democrats Refusing To Fund Completion Of The U.S. -- Mexican Boarder Wall--

The U.S. -- Mexico Boarder is a constant dilemma for both migrants and the U.S. government! President Trump is adamant to see the U.S.-Mexico boarder Wall completed in a timely manner. Boarder security is paramount for proper management of migrants entering the U.S. from central American countries; on foot. However, Democrats seize this moment of crisis, as an opportunity to block funding of this U.S.--Mexico Boarder Wall; by staying silent on illegal migration, and SAYING No To FUNDING for completion of this Boarder Wall! 

Migrants, track endless miles in search of a deluded dream of economic prosperity only to discover a morbid reality. Where the vulnerable is used to pay for economic well-being of smugglers, organized crime,  politicians (some), and others in legal professions! These migrants enter the U.S. -- Mexican Boarder based on false promises; given lower than minimum wages, substandard living conditions and bare essentials to survive, for the almighty American dollar. One Facebook friend  (U.S.), expressing horror at how these migrants line up for hours in long lines to pay Democrats under the previous administration (sums of money); for papers that remain undelivered! 

Changes to U.S. immigration laws continue to be essential for everyone concerned -- Folks get forgotten without legal status through no fault of their own. Possibly a better mechanism would be to have more processing done in their native country to stop the abuse of vulnerable migrants at the Boarder, and on arrival in the U.S.  

Regardless the U.S.--Mexico Boarder Wall must be completed! Laws and Governments constantly change; however the U.S.--Mexico Boarder Wall will remain a sensible, practical means of enhancing Boarder security!

Democrats Must Work To Prevent Corruption And Protect Lives Of Vulnerable Migrants By: Funding The Boarder Wall & Promoting Boarder Security!

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