
����Walls of Shame: The US-Mexican Border l Featured Documentaries

                 Democrats Engaging In Convenient Shortsightedness 

The U.S. Government Is Currently On  Day 10 of a "Partial Government Shutdown" With No End In Sight! House Democrats Refusing To Fund Completion Of The U.S. -- Mexican Boarder Wall--

The U.S. -- Mexico Boarder is a constant dilemma for both migrants and the U.S. government! President Trump is adamant to see the U.S.-Mexico boarder Wall completed in a timely manner. Boarder security is paramount for proper management of migrants entering the U.S. from central American countries; on foot. However, Democrats seize this moment of crisis, as an opportunity to block funding of this U.S.--Mexico Boarder Wall; by staying silent on illegal migration, and SAYING No To FUNDING for completion of this Boarder Wall! 

Migrants, track endless miles in search of a deluded dream of economic prosperity only to discover a morbid reality. Where the vulnerable is used to pay for economic well-being of smugglers, organized crime,  politicians (some), and others in legal professions! These migrants enter the U.S. -- Mexican Boarder based on false promises; given lower than minimum wages, substandard living conditions and bare essentials to survive, for the almighty American dollar. One Facebook friend  (U.S.), expressing horror at how these migrants line up for hours in long lines to pay Democrats under the previous administration (sums of money); for papers that remain undelivered! 

Changes to U.S. immigration laws continue to be essential for everyone concerned -- Folks get forgotten without legal status through no fault of their own. Possibly a better mechanism would be to have more processing done in their native country to stop the abuse of vulnerable migrants at the Boarder, and on arrival in the U.S.  

Regardless the U.S.--Mexico Boarder Wall must be completed! Laws and Governments constantly change; however the U.S.--Mexico Boarder Wall will remain a sensible, practical means of enhancing Boarder security!

Democrats Must Work To Prevent Corruption And Protect Lives Of Vulnerable Migrants By: Funding The Boarder Wall & Promoting Boarder Security!

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Great News For 2,000 Military Families!

Welcoming U.S. Troops Home For Christmas
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Image result for pics of trump & u.s military

President Trump Is More About Action & Less About Wading Through Bureaucratic Red Tape!

Main Stream Media outlets announce breaking news as 2018, draws to a close; expressing criticism of President Trump’s decision to unite 2000, U.S. troops with their families.  Anyone who objects to this most relevant and timely decision, likely are not personally related to any of the 2000, troops! Leaders in the region welcome President Trump’s decision and looks forward to maintaining peace on their home turf.

Some politicians have joined in to express continuing harsh criticism, because they weren’t consulted; sometimes less talk and more action is the only feasible solution.

Political rhetoric is nothing new, but it is most surprising to know that there are Americans who claim to have U.S. military personnel's best interest, but are now objecting to 2000, troops coming home.

Quite certain U.S. troops coming home will be celebrating with their families, glad to be away from war thorn regions; while they are still capable of enjoying activities of daily living.

War is hardest on our many patriotic men and women, and their immediate families. We need no introduction to the perils of war, President Trump supporting foreign countries; so they can be more responsible for peace in their region makes practical sense!

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On December 20, 2018, a number of U.S. Senators come out protesting President Trump timely decision to unite 2000, U.S. military troops with their families for Christmas!

More, particularly senators petition President Trump, today to reverse his decision to bring American troops home.

    Senators; Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, Angus King & others are petitioning U.S.
    President Trump to reverse a decision made through consultation with leaders in the Middle East!
  Further, Independent Senator Angus King says:
  "We Promised Allies In The Middle East We Will Take A Bullet For Them And We Pull Out!" Angus
    can do as he pleases - troops coming home likely have already been reassigned (CNN News, Dec.
    20, 2018). 

  Next, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham went public saying:
  President Trump must reverse this decision, or there are imminent threats to U.S. security and Kurds
  defending their homeland (CNN News, Dec. 20, 2018). These are serious threats and Lindsey Graham
  has no authority to make such predictions, or does he? Also, saying he warned President Obama not to
  remove troops from Iraq and he Lindsey was right, and President Trump is now making the same
  mistake in Syria
  Lindsey protesting U.S. troops deployment home:



Lindsey Graham on Syria troop withdrawal: "I don't know how this decision was made. It literally came out of left field, it has rattled the world…I can promise you that everything that happened in Iraq is going to happen in Syria unless we change course"
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Dawn Of A New Day: Criminal Justice Reform Begins In USA!

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The First Step Act (U.S. Criminal Justice Reform): Attempts To Make The U.S. Correctional System Safer For Both Prison Guards And Inmates Alike. Prison Guards Must Engage In Conflict De-Escalation Programs To Maintain The Overall Safety & Security Of All Parties Involved.

On Dec. !7th., 2018, U.S. Senate representatives passed; The First Step Act, which will commence the implementation of amendments to tough on crime legislations.

Most main stream media will tell you these amendments resulted from bipartisan support -- What actually happened is Republican heads in the White House has been pushing for Criminal Justice Reform, but Democrats kept dragging their feet stalling; for fear it will be viewed as President Trump's accomplishments. Hence, crediting this President with the ability to fulfil his promise to Blacks in America! Actually it took mass prison unrest and uprising to force Criminal Justice Reform in the U.S. Lives must be in the balance & still Democrats refuse to look after the interest of everyday Americans. Similar, problem with receiving government and other funding to manage boarder security and finish the U.S. -- Mexico boarder wall; too legally manage illegal migration.

The First Step Act, will make amendments to allow federal guards to weaponize in case of emergency; For example, a riot situation (completely new); and reduce mandatory minimums to include:

--  Drugs offenders, Not including mass drug production & drug trafficking
--  Leniency towards Non-Violent offenders, low level crime where No weapons are involved
--  Compassion for terminally ill inmates who are no longer a threat to society
--  A credit system for keeping the peace, maintaining good behaviour, engage in vocational
training to assist with early release and community rehabilitation, to prevent recidivism when

Violent offenders and sexual related offenses are Not covered under these amendments!

For what seems like an eternity, minor drug violations in the U.S., resulted in federal incarceration (> 2 years) affecting predominantly; Blacks and Latino-Americans. The First Step Act, will keep minor/small scale  drug offenders out of federal penitentiary. Decision will be on a case by case basis to allow judges more discretionary privileges. This does not mean no sentencing, just that time served could be less than 2 years &/rehabilitation (during time served/in the community).

This is only a first step, but nevertheless a phenomenal reprieve for inmates who are now scheduled for release based on time served and good behavior. A much appreciated gift during the holiday season, nice to be home for Christmas; certainly..

Criminal Justice Reform:

National Conference On State Legislatures for Criminal Justice Reform:

More on The First Step Act:

U.S. Criminal Justice Reform!

Donald Trump speaks about the First Step Act at the White House on 14 November.

Today, December 17, 2018, the U.S. Senate votes on "Criminal Justice Reform" to promote community rehabilitation, rather than incarceration for drug offenses. This is something that would never have been possible with previous Presidents; ongoing "Tough On Crime" legislations in the U.S., led to mass incarceration including life sentences for drug possession/distribution.

One, very essential individual behind the scenes providing team-work, feverishly anxious to make this happen is:
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White House Own:  Jared Kushner

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This is fabulous news, and kudos to U.S. Senate representatives -- Get this moving! The U.S. has been listed around the globe, as having the highest number of incarcerated individuals; facilitating privatization in relation to  the almighty "Prison Industrial Complex." Time to close down those inhumane ice-boxes; that uses vulnerable individuals for financial gain.

Criminal Justice Reform must also consider community rehabilitation for non-violent crimes and first-time offenders.


Murder -- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Criminal Justice System Blunder!

Background Information: In 2008, reportedly, Hess Street Elementary School , also described as, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (...