
Social Systemic Oppression Exasperating Inequality in Canada!

Is It Possible To Deliver Interventions That Can Mitigate Racism And Hate Crimes?

What Could Universal Basic Income Achieve?

Social Systemic Oppression - How Did We Get Here?

A Decade Of Unrest

London, Ontario, Canada


Link: BBC News

Universal Basic Income

Canada introduced Bill C-273 in Parliament for measures to promote/introduce a Guaranteed Basic Income. We Need A Plan that is inclusive based on reciprocity, that provide choices and inclusivity!

                                     Link: Bill C-273

HAVE You ever:

Canadian Businesses

UBI Mini Proposal Draft - Four (4) Tier System

Community Building

Inclusivity -- Phasing Plan

This is just a draft, based on personal and public research analysis -- Let me apologize
in advance for any editing error/s; feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

I've consulted a number of individuals to find out what's the expectation; however no one have actually
looked at the process -- most people who are employed or have a stable income see the plan as concerning someone else...  Unfortunately any of us could be in a poverty situation!

Please Challenge the  ideology, with working criticism---we all can learn when we start the conversation... 

Connecting Link: JoY-PSE (WordPress)

Murder -- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Criminal Justice System Blunder!

Background Information: In 2008, reportedly, Hess Street Elementary School , also described as, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (...