
Spread Of The Coronavirus!

Viral Infections - The CoronaVirus and Human Susceptibility To Diseases
© Joy K. February 07, 2020

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In the news nationally, and internationally is growing panic about a new strain of Respiratory Infection; more particularly the Coronavirus. The outbreak started in Wuhan (Mainland), China, and due to the large number of people traveling from one continent to another the virus has been slowly spreading to other parts of the world. Currently, folks in Mainland China are on quarantine, also causing a halt in travel too, or from the immediate area. The New York Times report, individuals infected with the Coronavirus in China are in the thousands with death tolls increasing by the day. There are also 2 known deaths in relation to the Coronavirus outbreak outside of China, in the Philippines and Hong Kong; on February 02, and 04, 2020, respectively. Interestingly, the 2 deaths outside of China were both men, 44 and 39 years old; usually the very vulnerable are most susceptible to illnesses, diseases, infections or viral infections.

Having worked, studied and practiced nursing for a number of years; more specifically I worked in visiting nursing during the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/2003) epidemic and H1N1 Flu Pandemic (Community Shift Nursing without PPE). One of the primary concerns for the spread of diseases is susceptibility, or vulnerability. Individuals may be compromised due to other underlying disease process, therefore an already endangered immune system will show symptoms earlier. Meaning infection is more certain for some individuals as opposed to others; one rule of the Coronavirus still under speculation is vulnerability of the very young and the very old. This is clearly at odds with what the media is reporting, because we know that the 2 deaths outside of China were men in their prime years. The media did not mention any prior vulnerability, this is not to say there wasn’t any. However, the doctor/whistleblower in Wuhan, China who died from contracting the Coronavirus was a very healthy, 34 years old, young adult male.

From everything we know as healthcare workers, we know that individuals are also more vulnerable for developing diseases due to stressors. There are 3 distinctive types of stressors; which are prone to affect your internal body homeostasis negatively; causing illness or disease progression. Similarly, there are good stress/Eustress and the bad stress as described distinctively by the American Psychological Association. Eustress contributes to improved health, while bad stress, or stressors can significantly tarnish our immune system defenses. Therefore, panicking millions of people around the globe who does not know the facts can become a pandemic, in  of itself. 

We are still in the flu season and coughs along with common sniffles may be normal for some individuals, this could also be environmental related; each case must be assess individually and not everyone showing flu symptoms automatically have the Coronavirus. Nevertheless, this is now a very frightful dilemma and more so for folks living in China. Folks living in Wuhan cannot leave their homes, unless they are going out for groceries, or receives special permission. The stress they are currently enduring will compromise their immune system, the worry about their family, and personal welfare can have damaging effects  in these distressed situations where choices are very limited; if available at all. Death tolls will be significantly higher than reported, because the scare and the lockdown will have the effect of causing other pathogens to flourish leading to increase mortality rate.

The rest of the world should be mobilizing to provide support for people in Mainland, China, there will be real consequences for these depressed, vulnerable populations. The Coronavirus can easily spread through inability to maintain personal hygiene, from feces, from the people you interact with, from closed/confined spaces, from humidity, from lack of Nutrition, from Mind-Body Interactions, improper sleep and rest, from lack of exercise, from depression, anxiety, a state of panic, low quality of life and more. 

Mainland, China is cut off from the rest of the world, this in itself will cause panic for folks with no other resources, who cannot seek outside assistance for personal and other family needs.

The best treatment is and continues to be a healthy immune system, while there are Antiviral drugs, these are known to predominantly maintain symptoms, and is not in itself a cure. Plus the unique strain of the Coronavirus makes it difficult to know how, or why the individual becomes vulnerable to the infection process. What is certain, from reports is that travelers from Mainland, China have been the source of the spread; why it affects folks who are in the prime of their life is another bewilderment. 

Seems each day we look at the world in turmoil we come to realize our own humility..
Empathy is non-existent in the struggle for survival..

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