
The United States of America (U.S.) Battles To Extricate China's Telecom Industry From U.S. Soil..

 The U.S. is Concerned About National Security Intel.

Courtesy Google: Chinese Telecom Companies Blacklisted

While China Telecom Industry Seeks To Monopolize World Markets!

Courtesy Google: Stock Photo

           On  Oct. 27, 2021, Kyodo News reported, U.S Federal Communications Commission (FCC), revoked Chinese Telecom industry authorization in the U.S.   

According to the Financial Post, the FCC (March), determined 5 Chinese companies poses a direct threat to national security (2019 law).  China Telecom Corp Ltd’s U.S. subsidiary asked a U.S. appeals court to block the decision of the FCC, to revoke the telecommunication company’s authorization to operate in the U. S.

Further, the FCC identifying 5 China Telecom Corp. under suspect of security breach namely: Huawei, ZTE, Hytera Communications Corp Ltd, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. (Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Chris Reese and Peter Cooney) for the Financial Post. 

                                                                  Courtesy Google: Wikipedia

Furthermore, on Dec. 02, 2021, S & P Global (Market Intelligence), reporting that, China's Telecom Corp. Ltd, the U.S. subsidiary; appeal to the Federal Court District of Columbia was denied. 

In October, when, the FCC revoked China's Telecom's industry authorization to function in the U.S. they also provided a timeline; which was specified with a 2 months deadline.  Essentially, making it mandatory to inform all their customers in the U.S. of the order placed by the FCC, by no later than Dec. 04, 2021.  Meaning, that China's telecom companies must cease operations and exit the U.S. market by Jan. 03, 2022.

Summation: It is doubtful that U.S. courts, the judiciary, which is a branch of the U.S. government will turn a blind eye to Washington's FCC decision,  Particularly, when specifying threats of national security risks on U.S. soil; by any Chinese Telecom industry.  Hence, moves to block any such decision is a waste of resources & valuable time in U.S courts.  

Chinese telecom industry will have more luck in the U.S. court system, if they plea facts in relation to customer deprivation of meaningful services seeking extension/s to manage customer commotion, or replacement of service with other U.S. based telecom services.  Financial Post states, that China's Telecom industry has been a constant in the U.S. for approximately 20 years...2 decades...grounds for consideration!


                                          U.S.-Japan and Australia Summit Meeting by Japan Foreign Affairs

New Development:  Dec. 13, 2021 (Reuters), in the news U.S. Japan and Australia form alliance to build their own G5 technology networking system in the South Pacific (Kyodo reporting by Sakura Murakami, Editing by Louise Heavens).

Similarly, World Republic News, reporting  "Trilateral cooperation on the development of the 5G network will be achieved through the Pacific operations of the Digicel Group, an international mobile phone network and home entertainment provider headquartered in Jamaica."  Australian telecom giant Telstra Corp. announced it will purchase Digicel for $1.6 Billion.

With worldwide expansion and use of telecom networking, especially during COVID-19, countries are more concerned than ever, about China monopolization of  the world's telecom  markets...interestingly every country remain concerned about data theft, who is ahead in the world of technology and how to; buy, invent similar and be the force everyone else relies on... Chinese telecom industry has been in the U.S. for 2 decades...and now the Americans sort to discontinue or revoke said privileges...

Conclusion: China created the idea of global monopolization when other countries were struggling to provide such usage to their own consumers on home soil.  Finally, China is set to take over and become the telecom giant of the world, but now it appears, based on media publications that China is being singled out as having illicit intensions.  

The problem, for Chinese telecom networking companies materializes, when they are issued license to transfer technology and work in foreign countries; they must also share their data/intel.  Rather, than the U.S., Japan and Australia planning to spend billions/more to create G5 technology that is already perfected by Chinese telecom (spending billions/more)  networking industries; would it not simply be better to work together and share equal access to intel. on an ongoing basis, as well as profit distribution?  Just an observation, we are all familiar with Chinese technological advancement and work ethics; which  is unilaterally unmatched by any other individual country.  


Tit For Tat - China and Canada Impasse Over Huawei G5 Technology!

Tensions between Canada and China - A Game Of Chess or Tit For Tat!

Huawei G5 Technologies Expansion into Global Markets..

World countries do need to apply/practice diplomacy in their relationship with other leaders, for the welfare of their own home country and global relations.  

Global Strategic Rivalry Theory - One theory under the umbrella of international business was conceptualized by, Kalvin Lancaster and Paul Krugman (1980's).  This theory, introduces the concept of rivalry between cooperation, but the same is true for countries on the global stage of international trade. For the purpose of this literature review China's Huawei G5 technologies sort to leverage control over world markets early, but such leverage soon became problematic for other international countries including Canada!

Another dynamic problem appears to be, China's National Intelligence Law -- Huawei G5 technologies will have access to international data and privy to data collection; both individuals and countries alike are not willing to part with such information.  Real and present dangers exist based on how such data will be analyzed and utilized.

Canada, who once supported the expansion of Huawei G5 technologies, along with many other international countries -- Is now at a stalemate!  Canadians have become worried about any such advances with China, for the introduction of Huawei G5 technologies in Canada...

                                                       Courtesy Google: Shutterstock

Canada, China, U.S. Relations

What turned out to be a deal sealer, began with prisoner detainment of a national from China (Huawei Executive - daughter of the telecom giant, for breach of U.S. sanctions).  Canada was in better proximality than the U.S. to make the arrest, charges and trial for extradition to the U.S.  China, soon followed with detainment of 2 Canadian nationals; Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, for alleged high crimes in China.  Approximately, three years later the Chinese national received reprieve from the U.S. and a sort of prisoner exchange followed.... China picked up their passenger from Canada and vice versa. 

Canada and China public international relations appears to be severely impacted by the reveal of dirty laundry.  Whilst, the tit for tat or chess game continues between the two nations.  

More concerns highlighted with Huawei G5 technologies and the supply chain, does this mean that China monopolizes those markets forcing out countries who opted-in? Can China further use countries participation to leverage other trade deals; translating into massive deprivation of G5 technologies if countries does not comply?  This would be coercion with incredible force, the U.S. was particularly concerned about this imbalance of global powers.

Internationally countries are speculating on how to navigate around Huawei G5 technologies utilizing diplomacy, but also seeking to maintain control over individual countries' leadership.  Hence, some countries have banned Huawei G5 technologies.

China Must Set An Example For The Rest Of The World

Courtesy Google:  Stock Photo

Courtesy Google: World Map

China, has much at stake and therefore it is absolutely necessary to maintain diplomatic relations with Canada! A number of countries have already placed a ban on Huawei G5 technologies, and what happens going forward will seal the company's faith with other international players..

On, Dec. 09, 2021, the chess game continues between Canada and China...more leveraging and threats.  Canada is put in a position where they have to consider real and present dangers of Canadians in China and have boycotted Beijing, China Olympic games; along with other international countries.  China has in fact placed sanctions on Canadians and vice versa... Continuing struggle on the global stage with the  U.S. and other nations merging to ensure China does not become a global force they cannot, or are not able to work with, or compete in a balanced global economy.

Further, on Dec. 10th., 2021, the National Post and The Canadian Press reported that the 2 Canadians, Kovrig and Spavor release by Chinese authorities; were released on bail and made confessions to high crimes in China before their release.  This public acknowledgement came from the office of China's Republic ambassador to Canada, in an attempt to leverage concession from Canada in support of Huawei G5 technologies. 

Interestingly, Canada does not have an extradition treaty with China and extradition treaties with Hong Kong were rescinded by both Canada and China in the tit for tat chess game; since 2020.

Huawei Global Strategy

In 2016, Huawei was set to become a giant telecommunication industry of prosperity for China, with the rest of the world in their supply chain.. 

In 2016, Huawei, began revealing billions in profit, this may have been an internal company strategy with government support, or real significant change in asset valuation.  This is difficult to ascertain, because businesses or countries tend to manipulate outcomes to draw media attention to their product, invention, or strategic abilities to set the world ablaze with this new find!

By 2018, Huawei, was facing mass media speculation about their G5 technology, their global alliance for networking in the supply chain was slowly pulling away from the technology giant (image/persona).  More, likely countries became worried about the cost of running this technology in their home country and looking at how China will benefit. 

Further, in 2020, conspiracy theorist sort to push Huawei out... no one likes it when their neighbor is flouting mass financial gains.  Among international countries this can become worrisome for partners in trade.  More worrisome in this case is that, people were actually beginning to believe these conspiracies...especially because some of it were linked to the health and well-being of individuals---only their is no truth to such rumors!

What May Have Started As A Misguided Attempt By Huawei To Advertise Global Prosperity; Prematurely Boomeranged Instead of Protecting their Multibillion dollar investment!


Conclusion:  Tension is high nationally and internationally, global powers are not in support of Huawei G5 technologies.... and leveraging consensus to support the company is questionable.  It appears that despite all the many objections and public feud against China; the U.S. have ratified a deal with the Chinese government in support of Huawei G5 technologies.  One can only speculate how the balance of power will work for all parties involved; Huawei, China and  the U.S.  North Americans are leaders in creating clauses that will eventually serve their interest.  

On October 26th., 2021, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), revoked Chinese telecom networking companies (5 companies including Huawei) privilege from service delivery in the U.S.

People with the most to loose at the moment are Huawei owners, and executives who have spent everything they have; borrowing tremendous sums of monies to prove their product is exactly what the rest of the world needs!

Canada, is right to question the validity of Huawei G5 technologies, in so far as it pertains to what Canadians need.  Caution is the operative word and Canada must remain calm, all out attacks does nothing to further our own agenda.  

China must respect the opinion of Canadians in their decision not to support Huawei G5, in view of the newly acquired technology -- Quite possibly Canadians could have a different opinion in 2-to-5 years from now. 

Huawei G5, must give international communities time to make their own decision, understandably company executives are pressuring the Chinese government to intervene, because their dream is about to shatter!

Possibly other individuals with global ideas will be more mindful of the rest of the world ideologies and grow at a normal pace; instead of planning a radical change.

Social Systemic Oppression Exasperating Inequality in Canada!

Is It Possible To Deliver Interventions That Can Mitigate Racism And Hate Crimes?

What Could Universal Basic Income Achieve?

Social Systemic Oppression - How Did We Get Here?

A Decade Of Unrest

London, Ontario, Canada


Link: BBC News

Universal Basic Income

Canada introduced Bill C-273 in Parliament for measures to promote/introduce a Guaranteed Basic Income. We Need A Plan that is inclusive based on reciprocity, that provide choices and inclusivity!

                                     Link: Bill C-273

HAVE You ever:

Canadian Businesses

UBI Mini Proposal Draft - Four (4) Tier System

Community Building

Inclusivity -- Phasing Plan

This is just a draft, based on personal and public research analysis -- Let me apologize
in advance for any editing error/s; feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

I've consulted a number of individuals to find out what's the expectation; however no one have actually
looked at the process -- most people who are employed or have a stable income see the plan as concerning someone else...  Unfortunately any of us could be in a poverty situation!

Please Challenge the  ideology, with working criticism---we all can learn when we start the conversation... 

Connecting Link: JoY-PSE (WordPress)

Murder -- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Criminal Justice System Blunder!

Background Information: In 2008, reportedly, Hess Street Elementary School , also described as, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (...