
Murder -- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Criminal Justice System Blunder!

Background Information:
In 2008, reportedly, Hess Street Elementary School, also described as, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (2017), went public with allegations of: aggression, bullying, violence, sexual trauma/exploitation involving 6 students and 1 female victim, identified as (CBC News).
In 2017, Hess Street Elementary, reportedly in financial ruins; with reports of eminent closure. Further, April 11, 2017, proposal for funding to rebuild On April 05, 2018, the Province rejected their application for funding, to the tune of $16 Million. Hess Street Elementary was able to remain open for another 5 years, despite monetary insufficiency.
In 2022, Hess Street Elementary, also known as HWDSB, made their forth (4th) attempt to secure Provincial funding. On May 10, 2022, Hess Street Elementary failed to generate the type of cash they had hoped for! The Province denied their request (Hamilton Spectator).
Keywords: Richard Taylor, Hess Street Elementary School, McMaster University, Hamilton Health Science, Hamilton Fire, Carla and Allan Rutherford, Arson, Judge and Jurors, Prosecution, Defence, Indictable Offence, Circumstantial, Hearsay, Conviction, Murder, Teacher, Father, Son, Brother.
Speculation: Hess Street Elementary/HWDSB, did remain open for another 5 years, after reported monetary insufficiency in 2017. Further, Provincial funding rebuild--rejection in 2018, and three (3) other times since, the last of which was reported on May 10, 2022. With no foreseeable way to get funding; real possibility of permanent closure exist.. or can Hess Street Elementary get funding through other means?
Richard Taylor, a teacher at Hess Street Elementary, was arrested and charged on January 23, 2019, on his way home from work, in Hamilton, ON Canada. One of the best, most informative, reliable article was published by: The Toronto Star, on Jan. 24, 2019..the day after Richard Taylor's arrest.. I inadvertently stumbled on this publication about 10 mins. ago (June 17th., 2022)! On June 15th., 2022, the Presiding Judge instructed Jurors in this case on deliberating proceedures.. and we await the verdict.. One would expect, that there was more information provided by Hamilton Prosecution during this trial.. but this is not so, in the 42 months that followed..before commencement of this Trial, Crown Prosecutor Janet Booy.. found no new information.. Prosection expects to convict Richard Taylor of 2 counts, in first degree murders, because he had financial difficulty and concealed that fact!
The Case of Richard Taylor: Trial continues for, 2 counts of 1st. Degree murder in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Theoretical Analysis: Perpetrator/s needed Motif and Opportunity; Allan Rutherford had both (complete uninterrupted access to the victim), he was retired with little or no source of income, and solely dependant on his wife for the home she shared with him and the many other things that offered a well-to-do, even luxurious lifestyle that many cannot afford. Allan's lifestyle, his clothes, frequency of being with/around beautiful women, his expensive taste for travelling and such; meant his world was on the verge of collapse. If anything he was facing desperation, if his wife became uninterested, he could loose it all; he had no control over her finances! Therefore, theoretical analysis presented by Cloward and Ohlin, as "Crime of Opportunity" is painstakingly appearant...where perpetrator/s utilizes legitimate & illegitimate means to appear successfull. Further explainations in regards to "Reasoned Action & Opportunity Theory" discussed below.
Hamilton's Crown Prosecution is currently focused on building a case of motif, based on "Hearsay" in an attempt to convict Richard Taylor (teacher), of crimes he did not need to commit, because his Mom Carla, trusted him with all her finances; he was the Executor of her Estate.. No one else! Very possibly, responsible for her care in extenuating circumstances as well... he did not need to start an elaborate fire that would burn his Mom, Carla and allow Allan Rutherford (her husband) to escape into the night!
Link: No Preliminary Hearing for Hamilton man accused of killing his mother and her husband in Dundas arson - Hamilton |
Charterpedia - Section 11(d) – Presumption of innocence (
***Richard Taylor's arrest 6 months, after alleged Arson that victimized Carla R. Hamilton Justice System made certain the Executor of Carla's Estate completed said transactions; money in the bank! ---***Incarceration without any possibility of Bail for a teacher; working in the community of Hamilton Ontario. ---***No Preliminary Hearing for 2 Counts of 1st. Degree Murder; those are the charges! ---***No Trial for Four (4), consecutive years (Arson on July 09, 2018), while Richard Taylor remains in Custody.. ---***Trial which was scheduled to begin on May 09th., was delayed until May 11th., 2022. Prosecutors needed more time to prepare.. ---***On May 27th., 2022, Jurors began having issues reported as, experiencing illness, injury (arm sling), and testing positive for COVID-19 (1). Do Remember that 14 Jurors were selected, when only 12 needed to be present for the trial; to avoid such consequences.. ---***On Monday, May 30th., 2022, Judge Toni Skarica, postponed the Trial until Thursday, June 2nd., 2022.. All the while Richard Taylor remains in custody!
The Burden of Proof Remains With the Prosecution in this case.. Canada's Adversarial-Retributive System of Justice is Quite Clear... If there's Any Reasonable Doubt, that Richard Taylor committed those crimes as charged; then the Judge must advise the Jury to deliver a "Not Guilty" Verdict! The Judge is responsible for clearifying the Jury responsibilities in any and every jury trial..
***Further, on May 29, 2022, another search for Carla Rutherford revealed her Linkedin Profile Page..No other social media found***
**McMasters University** under the umbrella of McMaster University Medical Centre (MUMC) runs several locations, if not "All" the major hospitals and Care Units in Hamilton, ON Canada!
-----McMasters University is very influencial in Hamilton, they appear to have substantial control over big money! -----**Do Remember that Carla and Allan spent their lives working at Hamilton Health Science (Research Dept), whilst Carla's two sons attended McMasters University! Richard Taylor, stayed close to his Mom by working at Hess Street Elementary School, while Christopher Taylor married a classmate and moved to Toronto, ON Canada..
The Link below... has been altered by Hamilton Spectator... If you do click on it now, this very crutial piece of evidence is no longer there! Link: Scroll to the end of this page, listen to the emergency call (2 minutes long) from Hamilton Police To Ms. Karen Monk -- on July 09, 2018. Ms. Karen Monk phoned 911 and spoke to Hamilton Fire Department before this second conversation from Hamilton Police... Would be interesting to have a time map of these calls.. *** Attaching a transcript of the most audible portions..
--------------- **CBC News, The Verdict** ------------
---------------Tragedy Begins With Double Homicide And Lifetime Incarceration Of A Son-----------------
---------------The Trial Ended on June 17, 2022, With More Questions Than Answers!--------------------
---------------------Comparative Analysis of Two Separate Fires in Hamilton ON Canada-----------------
Links: Toronto Star Reporting on July 10, 2018-------also CBC News (Hamilyon) June 21, 2022---and Global News reporting on June 21, 2022. Also Link to Homicide Canada on Statistics of Canadian Homicides.
JUNE 15, 2022, PRESIDING JUDGE IN THIS CASE, have instructed the Jurors on proceedures of deliberating to deliver a verdict in the case! The Public awaits the verdict..
June 13, 2022, Hamilton Prosecution Team led by Janet Booy, delivered the closing remarks in this case. Janet, expects to convict Richard Taylor, of two counts off 1st., degree murder by; Proving that Taylor was in debt and concealed this fact from everyone!
The Defence Team led by Jennifer Penman, only had to show hearsay, circumstantial arguments does not make Richard Taylor a murder. On Big Surprise: June 14, 2022, CBC News reports,that Allan Rutherford, entered the home a second time.. meaning that Allan was able to escape the fire twice, while Carla, was rescued by emergency responders; only to die on her way to hospital.
Concluding that both, Allan and Carla, died while in Hamilton’s public healthcare custody (ambulance/hospital), on July 09, 2018.
Further on June 08, 2022, Richard Taylor testifying that he started spending his inheritance, because spending money made him feel Better.. **Was Richard Taylor, feeling better? The picture below shows what he looked like after his Mom’s passing.. now compare this to other pictures of him..
The Week of June 06th., 2022 (Highlighted Takeaways): Richard Taylor, defends his claim of innocence in front of a judge and 12 Jurors by; facing his accusers in Hamilton Superior Court. *Mr. Taylor, reiterating he did not commit Arson; causing murder on the morning of, July 09, 2018. *On said morning, Taylor, said he was at his Oakville, home with his family. *Further, clarifying that police surveillance video on the morning of, July 09, 2018, showing an individual lighting a match and extinguishing it, then running outside his Mom’s home in, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, was not him! Further, CHCH News reporting, that Richard Taylor testified, before and during 2018, he lied to some about his finances, particularly his now ex-wife (separated). We do know from prior testimonies, that Richard's friend, brother and Mom knew about his quest to maintain a certain lifestyle for his family.. so much so that he falsified Bank statements!
Hindsight: Richard is now struggling for every breath, because he faces 2 consecutive terms of life sentencing if convicted.. Please also know, this is a very proud man, and he needed to appear financially wealthy to his wife at the time.. Possibly, he felt she married him because he's a good provider and he had difficulty saying No to her..! Looking at such a predictament is quite remorseful, to know he carried such burden on a daily basis for years.. to make his wife happy. Richard, also testified to taking care of the kids, his son is seen with him in several videos, one can only speculate how the current situation has taken a toll on this family. Please also know, that lying for what's seen as a survival mechanism; does not make such person a murderer!
UPDATE (May 27, 2022): The Arson that took Carla R. life happened on the morning of July 09, 2018. On July 10, 2018, Hamilton Police interviewed Richard Taylor, looking for motif and alibi -- At that point in time Richard Taylor had a knee injury (July 07, 2018), and told police he slept at his Oakville home, on the Living Room Floor due to his injury.. at 2:00 a.m his young son woke up and went to sleep with him, while he watched a movie on his IPad.. Richard, can be heard at the interview (Pre-recorded), telling police, they may talk to his son.. Police decline to follow up with Richard's son.. it was also possible to check the IPad for history..of being used on the morning of July 09, 2018. A check of the occupants, in the home (Oakville) would also explain exactly who was using the device on the morning of the fire at, 8 Greening Court, in Hamilton, ON! Police showed survelliance videos of someone running outside the home on, 8 Greening Court, Dundas in Hamilton, ON identification made.. another video was circulating online of a guy walking outside the home in Hamilton (Presumably before arson at said location).
UPDATE (May 27, 2022): Trial Judge Toni Skarica dismissed Proceedings early, because a Juror tested Positive for COVID-19.... On Monday, May 30th., 2022, Justice Skarica postponed the Trial until June 2nd., 2022
Hindsight: One can only imagine how difficult it would be to defend Richard Taylor, if he lived in, or near Hamilton.. with all the circumstantial evidence being introduced in court.. 8 Greening Court, was not next door to Richard Taylor's residence in 2018.. or any other time. Based on evidence introduced to date, there is absolutely, no way that Richard Taylor, could leave his sleeping son unattended, without other members of the home knowing! Any parent who has ever had a high needs kid, that like to sleep with you..know there's no way around the situation..
**Richard Taylor has begun a new journey... Ex-Wife E.T. has to Provide for the Two (2) Taylor kids; Richard is out of the Picture!
UPDATE (May 24, 2022): Prosecution puts Richard Taylor's Wife on the witness stand... only now she's labeled ex-wife, or former wife; Evangelia Taylor. Her testimony reveals both people in their home worked (had jobs), they held various acccounts including a home mortgage. Former Mrs. Taylor states, she had no idea about financial disposition in the marriage, because Richard Taylor showed her bank statements to the contrary.
Scenario: Couples can spend an incredible amount of money on; mortgage, vehicle/s, adventure, travel, dinning, clothing, accessories, furniture, kids, essentials and so forth... More than likely, 2 people (the adults) were involved in spending the money, but Richard Taylor took sole responsibility for their finances, and never bothered his former wife with it.. Therefore, she believed everything was okay, when really they were over-spending! It appears that after, Richard Taylor's criminal court battle began (2 consecutive life sentences), his wife suddenly had an epiphany realizing, that the picnic was over, she ditched Richard...
Currently: Richard Taylor, has lost his; home, his family, his kids, his job, his Mom, possibly friends and relatives in this process... while court bills mount to phenomenal proporations... Hamilton's Justice System denied him bail -- he sits incarcerated, and the Prosecution continues to look at his finances instead of how, exactly when, Richard was able to commit Arson, that supposedly killed 2 people; including his mother?
Excellent Research For Canadians:
Link: Canadian Population Statistics in 2017: 36,708,083 Supplied by Statistics Canada (2021), for 10 Provinces and 3 Territories
***In Canada if an individual or family, cannot make payments to creditors they can claim, "Bankruptcy Protection" this means that there are legitimate alternatives available to such person/s. Provided to Canadians via, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3)
UPDATE (May 19, 2022): On May 19, 2022, Hamilton’s Forensic Pathologist (no name revealed in the media), testifying for the Prosecution, claims most of Allan Rutherford’s body was covered in burns (90-95%). Research revealing that third degree burns of this magnitude; has almost no prospect of survival. No actual cause of death revealed in the media. Nevertheless, Allan Rutherford, was at Karen Monk’s home talking about the incident, looking for help to save his wife, and receiving comfort from Karen’s daughter Lauren (reportedly).
Hamilton’s Forensic Pathologist, further testifying, that on examination of Carla Rutherford’s body; he discovered she was half burnt (50%).
Hamilton, police officer Christopher Grimo, testified for the Prosecution, revealing he found the same brand of matches in Hamilton neighborhood, at the victim’s home at, 8 Greening Court, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and the same brand of matches in Richard Taylor’s home (Oakville, Ontario). Not certain how many brand of matches were sold at Hamilton’s supply stores in 2018, or even how many brands there are in total, in Ontario or even in Canada.
LINK: Court hears of matches found at crime scene and Richard Taylor's home (
UPDATE (May 18, 2022): CHCH News reports, Hamilton's Crown Prosecutors attempting to prove that Richard Taylor's knee injury, that happened on July 07, 2018 (before the fire at Carla's home), is fake, or that something sinister was about to occur and so he faked his injury. Survelliance videos before and after the fire shows Richard, walking with a limp at times, but other times walking with no limp, and at other times needing a cane to walk. Those speculations, or implications are not proof that Richard faked his injury, or knew he was going to be injured on July 09, 2018, because he was planning arson at his childhood home.
Pain is a very complex human emotion and "Yes" it can be faked, but one would need to master all the signs and symptoms; a trained eye can always detect faking.. without determining faking happened, because pain intensity experienced by Richard (in this scenario) were not consistent! Rather, if anything such video survelliance tends to err, on the side of accuracy than not.. Further, the body usually intensifies trauma when stressed.. one only has to look at the implications to understand that a phone call from the police, a police interview; would immediately send Richard into a state of panic.. Why? His Mom died in what appears to be arson and he remained her sole beneficiary, or executor of her estate. A phone call from the police is not good, if you have any kind of illness, or injury it is most likely to intensify. Playing it safe, Richard walked with his cane for support; physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological.. If Prosecutors wanted to know the extent of Richard's injury they could have made recommendations for medical intervention/s. Therefore, conducting a more ethical investigation based on accuracy of information, to maintain reasonable proof of the situation. Further, pain dept can change throughout the day, based on where you are, what you are doing, who you're with, how you slept and so forth... Really nothing sinister here unless Prosecutors can prove that, Richard committed arson on July 09, 2018. To date nothing comes even close!
HINDSIGHT: Can anyone tell me why Richard Taylor, would take such painstaking time to invent a knee injury days before the arson, that took place at 8 Greening Court, Dundas in Hamilton, ON Canada? Would it not be much simplier to invent an air-tight "Alibi?"
Very Informative Link on the Psychology of Pain Perception! By: David Cosio, PhD, ABPP (2020).
UPDATE (May 17, 2022): CHCH News reporting that, investigators uncovered a bag of mail addressed to Richard Taylor, on closer examination the contents reveal that, Richard received condolence letters after his Mom's passing; likely from close family and friends. Actual persons who sent the mail were not revealed by prosecutors; the Crown were more interested in Richard Taylor's financial background. Based on the photo above (not completely legible), investigators looked at financial statements, and were intrigued to uncover what appears to be; intent at falsefication of part off those records. Weather, Richard Taylor actually used any of that content, or was simply engaged in such for other reasons; is a question for Richard to answer. It appears, that investigators may have intervened before any actual crime of forgery took place.. One cannot be charged with attempted forgery under such circumstances! Certainly, this in of itself cannot prove, that Richard committed any crime.. it amounts to probable deviance at best. Crown Prosecutors is hoping to change Richard's well-mannered teacher, family man, loving son profile, to that of malicious... hoping the jury would buy such outrageous allegations... then believe Richard is capable of murder -- That's a grand stretch of the imagination, when Hamilton's Crown prosecutors are unable to convince anyone that Richard committed any crime..
NOTE: Based on the above discovery, revealed to the public in the Trial, it appears that Richard Taylor, guarded his personal banking information to the point of repeatedly altering such records; in an attempt to maintain the integrity of his privacy. Such actions are totally legitimate..
UPDATE (May 13, 2022): Journalism and Reporting have changed, or are more slanderous at times seeking community impact for possible ratings and selling news.. In many of these articles the defendant is referred to as a killer, murderer, burning his Parents, and other concluding remarks (Not accurate).
Family Lies, Deception, and the ultimate prize: MONEY! -- *** Further, on May 13, 2022, Richard Taylor trial continues with his younger brother testifying.. slander involving hearsay continues! Christoper Taylor, says older brother Richard was always in a money crisis, seeking money the weekend before the fire that engulfed, Clara's bed with her in it.. while her husband Allan Rutherford, escaped (later died in hospital).. Christoper further, testifies that he never gave Richard money, but on that faithful weekend Clara (Mom) gave her son money... is this accurate? Christoper also made damming allegations, that the Mom was concerned.. do we know if this is a fact? This is Christoper's word, because he now stands to inherit half of everything in Clara's Will.. but if big brother (executor) is out of the picture; more than likely his inheritance stands to double! We'll never know if what Christoper says is actually true, because Clara isn't here anymore! We do know that Clara left her elderest son, Richard with full authority, as executor of her estate and Never thought to make any changes..
---***Hamilton Teacher, Richard Taylor Faces 2 counts of, 1st. Degree Murder Indictments***...! Richard Taylor, began designing and building Muskoka Chairs, because baseball bats owned by Richard and Christopher was cluttering up their childhood home. Christopher Taylor, is a Chiropracter, with another business (Clinic), in Toronto. This would be a very costly venture and likely he found a way to supplement his income. Christopher Taylor, liked the designs created and built by, Richard therefore convincing him to do more.. to get involved in working on a side business. Richard agreed and began adding to his designs using baseball and hockey sticks, adding Blue Jays stamp and other memorabila markings using all local materials. Then Christopher, registered the business and handled all the financials.. it is not known what Richard, earned from all his working contributions; which involved working at night, weekends, summer vacations and so forth. There was an established website, today a google search for the website came up empty... a word search for: Taylor Bros. Muskoka Chair company Scroll down the page and Richard's Designs are visible:
Hindsight: Richard Taylor, did everything right trying to please everyone around him... Yet, today all the people he has helped and counted on, to be there, appears to be in another world!. How did this hard-working, mild mannered guy who loved life, nature, dedicated his time to helping others, a wonderful teacher, son, brother, father, husband, family man, good citizen... became the only suspect in Arson that took his Mom's life on July 09, 2018?
Media coverage from Hamilton News releases, has already tried and convicted Mr. Taylor..without applying the "Burden of Proof" Prosecutors have made a case to prove intent, and all the current information says, Taylor is already convicted; yet "No known factual evidence has been introduced" To Prove Without a Doubt.. they have the Right Person in Custody..
On the morning of July 09, 2018 Carla Rutherford, Mom of Richard Taylor, cir-cumed to injuries from a deadly fire, that engulfed her bed and eventually spread in her home.
On July 09, 2018, Allan Rutherford, escaped the blaze and went to his neighbor, Karen Monk for help...but it was karen's daughter that heard everything, even comforting Allan--Prosecutors, put Karen's daughter on the stand...excellent memory after 4 years..for any minor! Then there's the Const. Jason Katzmann, who just happened by to check the carnage (failing to do so), then returned again in time to hear Allan say.. Rich. did it..(Hearsay)! Likely no evidential prove to even cooroborate what Allan was saying in a state of possible delirium! Allan R. eventually died of what appears to be smoke inhalation, or third degree burns; 12 hours later. According to Prosecutor Mark Dean, Allan, sustained enough 3rd. degree burns that his ability to survive such would be near impossible! Do remember that in any fire, or planned circumstances, perpetrators can and do misjudge their ability to pull off the perfect crime..
---------------------------***Carla R.(nee Holmes) and Allan Rutherford Obituary Page***-------------------
Reportedly, Mom Carla Rutherford (64 years of age) and Allan Rutherford (Carla’s 2nd. Husband) resided on, Greening Court, Dundas, in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Carla had 2 sons and Allan had 2 daughters, according to media information Allan (1 year younger), moved in with Carla. Therefore, residing in the home, that will eventually belong to her son Richard Taylor; who appears to be the sole heir and property executor.
Richard Taylor, Carla’s eldest son, lives in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, police placed him under arrest for 2 counts , of 1st. Degree murder approximately 6 months after alleged crimes were perpetrated..
46)>Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 Punishment for murder • 235 (1) Every one who commits first degree murder or second degree murder is guilty of an indictable offence and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. • Minimum punishment (2) For the purposes of Part XXIII, the sentence of imprisonment for life prescribed by this section is a minimum punishment. • R.S., c. C-34, s. 218 1973-74, c. 38, s. 31974-75-76, c. 105, s. 5
PROSECUTION Mens Rea Attempt: ****Hamilton Crown prosecutor, Mark Dean, made summations on the first day of the trial held on May 11, 2022. If convicted Richard Taylor (teacher), who is also a father of two children; could be sentenced to 2 terms of life imprisonment. Prosecutors refused to set bail for Richard Taylor, even during COVID-19; when such was requested.. This is a family that’s been deprived and kids who have not had a normal relationship with their Dad, for approximately 3 years and 6 months. One is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, as such bail ought to have been granted... Richard Taylor is not now or ever was a flight risk! He had 6 months to flee, but never attempted... instead continued teaching! ** Prosecution is so certain of a conviction, they never even bothered to conduct a Preliminary Hearing; rules of procedure in all indictment pursuits! Hamilton's Prosecutor: Janet Booy, only had to make a formal request to Ontario's Attorney General--which was granted (reportedly). Due to the seriousnes of those charges and the lengthy incarceration time; one would expect much deliberation before indictment proceedings are heard in a trial. Do have to wonder if such is customary in murder cases where Prosecutors have no factual evidence regard the crime?
On July 09, 2018, the bed that Carla shared with Allan was set on fire at approximately 3:00 a.m. while Carla remained undisturbed. Allan, escaped to go for help (reportedly)!
However, reports claim he had difficulty waking up the neighbor Karen Monk...hearsay...because this is based on Karen testimony... not clear if, possibly Allan R. Told police this when he was questioned! Karen also claims Allan told her, don’t contact Richard Taylor, because he did this..and that Allan was running around calling out Carla’s name...! Allan also told Karen he needed to get help to rescue the dogs and his wife..who was by then already deceased!
Hindsight: Allan Rutherford, was a very healthy, active male who enjoyed indoor and outdoor activities, nevertheless on July 09, 2018, instead of attempting to rescue his wife while she laid in a bed of fire; he was able to smash a window, then climb out to safety. Who thinks it is much easier to smash a window than to wake the person sleeping next to you? Who thinks it is easier to smash a window and climb out rather than waking the person next to you and use the closest door? If Allan had even tried to rescue Carla; they would have had an 80% chance of both being alive today. Further, in North America, who does not have a cell phone? Who does not have a phone in their bedroom? Who does not have a phone in their home? Is the neighbor phone closer or is your phone closer? When seeking help do you go to the most vulnerable home; you have access too? Which single woman opens their door at night? Or after seeing someone bloody, burnt beyond recognition, has a full blow conversation with that person? Who thinks the first thing to do is dial 911, if a bloody person shows up at your home; regardless of time? Who believes that such an incident will wake up other neighbors in the area as well? Have to wonder, how long after Allan reached his neighbor Karen's home, that 911 was called?
Based on media reports, we also know that Carla posted pictures of Richard Taylor's kids on social media (her grand kids), days before the incident, because they were at her home visiting. A Mom, who has a kid with malicious intentions does not leave him with full authority of her estate and likely her care. Further, such a predictament will always reveal perceived signs... meaning there would have been changes to her P.O.A. No one will ever consider giving anyone such rights when there are malicious intentions at play.
THE Scales Of Justice For A Mom & Her Son along with extended family!
The Prosecution, is seeking to convict a young man, a teacher no less, with a family for crimes carrying 2 consecutive life sentences; based on hearsay, conjecture and circumstantial testamonies..this is referred to as "Intent." Prosecutors: Janet Booy & Mark Dean expects to convict Mr. Taylor ( 2 consecutive life terms), based on speculation regarding his personal financial situation; without producing any evidence of how he planned and carried out alleged double homicide! Have you ever heard of Prosecutors convicting anyone, because of coorroborated "Hearsay" statements? Your attorney/s would have to be off the street, not actually practicing law!
Prosecution Mark Dean, says that Richard Taylor borrowed money from a friend and this means he was in a financial crisis.. Could we not also say that Richard, was a proud man and did not seek financial help from his Mom, because he did not want to burden her? In the 40+ years that Richard and his Mom remained close; did he Never experience financial crisis before? Why would he consider partaking in any scheme to rob his own Mom of life for Profit? He was educated, with a wonderful job, surely he loves his family! Is the penalty of 2 consecutive life-terms incarcerated not enough to sway one; in any circumstances.. Richard Taylor is not a foolish man.. Do you believe he drove 90 minutes from his home to his Mom's home at 3:00 a.m.? Then, back to his own home, got changed and ready for work... driving another 90 minutes to his place of work in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, to Hess Street Elementary School? This would be a total of 4 hours and 30 minutes! Don't forget, if you believe any of that happened, please also factor in time to commit the crime and remain at the scene long enough to ensure both Carla and Allan were in fact deceased.. Richard Taylor would be at a terrible loss if Allan escape the fire.. which he did.. only to die 12 hours later in hospital..
Theoretical Analysis: Reasoned Action Theory by Fishbein and Ajzen 1980, looking at human behavior based on reasoned actions! In the above paragraph, reasoned actions are explained for Richard Taylor, to determine if there were any real or plausible motive. Based on the most relevant information, regarding those deceased, there does not appear to be anything that remotely connects Richard Taylor to any of these crimes. However, the person with the most access to Carla Rutherford was her husband Allan R... so what exactly happened for him to leave his sleeping wife in a bed of fire? We know that Allan had no other home, he lived with Carla, now he also knew that if Carla died before him he would have nothing! Does anyone think that if Carla did not have money and a home for him to move into... he would ever engage in the relationship? Carla, being a suspecious woman, made certain her elderest son had control and not her husband... Further, Allan the eligible bachelor, was seeking stability and financial prosperty.. he enjoyed travelling, expensive wine, night out, everything that Carla was able to give him.. If one could marry for such convenience, which he did, could that not in itself determine how desperate Allan would be.. However, Allan had to get all the circumstances right.. if the Mom Carla died and the elderest was around he would not rest until he got revenge on Allan (the stepdad). The problem was trying to eliminate 2 people who lived at totally different locations.. very certain Allan consulted with someone! Allan knew he could not exit the home without his wife and no injuries.. he also needed an alibi.. someone who would verify what happened... now there's Karen...!
Similarly, "Opportunity Theory" by Cloward and Ohlin was originally created to identify youths experiencing predicaments, that led to the use of legimitate and illegimate means of success.. In Allan Rutherford's, case this began with relationship forming, getting to know his prospect...then marriage to seal the deal. It is possible Allan, fully believed in his charms, and fully expected Clara to include him in the division of her estate..Another possibility is that he got greedy.. plunged in before realizing, that her elderest son was her sole heir and executor! Allan Rutherford was 63 years old, when he perpetrated arson, where his victim was burnt in the bed they shared. It is important to note that Allan's victimization of Carla began many years before, because he had very expensive taste, that would remain unfulfilled if he could not depend on others. Very likely, such behaviors did not develop in his older years, but were developed in his youthful years and beyond. We all enjoy associating love, sex and marriage, hence many times one party may experience victimization; due to the vulnerabilty of such circumstances.
In these times, and with modern technology there is next to nothing that cannot be solved... unless the Prosecutor can place Richard Taylor at the scene of the murder.. there is no Conviction.. Everything amounts to Hearsay, conjecture and twisting circumstances out of context to fool a jury! Reportedly, approximately 5-6 jurors, selected had to be replace on short notice -- this is very troubling! No idea what's amist here, but it really does appear to be all about money and how much Richard Taylor has now!
The Trial is closed for the most part.. this Summation is based on what is known to date, and a bit about legal procedures in a Hamilton Court! To often innocent people are incarcerated... one has to be extremely careful of making allegations without actual facts!
What Government of Canada says about Preliminary Hearings: ***Preliminary Hearing*** A preliminary hearing is a hearing held by the Court to decide whether there is enough evidence to send the case to trial. Preliminary hearings are only held for indictable offences." Preliminary Hearings are held to determine if the Crown Prosecutor has enough evidence to take the matter to trial... This is necessary when an accused is facing serious criminal allegations such as Murder! ***Richard Taylor was denied due process by Hamilton Crown Prosecutor: Janet Booy
-------- How Can Hamilton City Turn Tradegy Into Prosperty?-------- --------Did You Know Hamilton Has A Struggling Movie Industry?------ In the know...CBC News reporting that Hamilton spent $69.9 Million (2020) on Movie and TV productions The American that was being interviewed for the CBC article was Christoph Benfy, he moved from Toronto to Hamilton in 2010.
Another American breaking ground in Hamilton hoping to direct...or star in his own Hamilton movie is Jon M. Chu.

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Murder -- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Criminal Justice System Blunder!

Background Information: In 2008, reportedly, Hess Street Elementary School , also described as, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (...