
The Empathizers: Issues & Discussion

Canadian Societal Norms & Humanity: Theoretical Analysis And What Works!

 (Joy Kissoon - Artist, R.P.N., B.S.Sc.-Criminal Justice)

Walking the route of righteousness -- We can look away, but what if we are looking at our own reflection?

Canadian, and universal societal norms instruct us on procreating to protect the survival of the species. A number of philosophers agree, going further in their analysis to claim that the only purpose for sex is procreation. Likewise, there are philosophers that also support having mutually pleasing sexual relationships; regardless of procreation. Of course, in modern times people agree that sex is part of their life's accomplishments, as is procreation. At times folks identify with their choice of partners in the case of marriage! Monogamy is a fleeting promise, fast becoming a trait of the past; nevertheless people frequently sign up for monogamous relationships. Even married couples who are sworn till-death-do-us-part secretly make other choices outside of marriage; risking the covenant of marriage -- while more and more folks are exercising choices, that may also include abstinence.

With procreation, comes intrinsic desires and duties to care for our kids in a nurturing environment, hence we live in a kind of tunnel -- tunnel vision of sorts where life’s meaning does not change. We are expected to keep repeating the same cycle of life for eternity.

We enter the cycle of birth; eat, sleep, laugh, cry, love, defecate, grow, seek safety & security, education at varying levels, opportunities in society, work that is mutually satisfying if we are fortunate, or work day in and day out at something that remains meaningless, except for the fact of earning a living wage, also seeking love and marriage. Nothing new here, then the rule of procreation continues and we bear the burden of supporting family, because not to do so is inhumane and of course this is our innate responsibility. Once our children become independent, we move into the grand-parenting stage (if that’s you), retirement (the forgotten stage); where you begin to loose family and community respect. Despite, doing everything society and the human experience expects of you, as you age North American society have a variety of diseases attributed for the aging process; none of which says life is healthy and prosperous!

On November, 25-and-26, 2018, General Motors (GM) informed governments, media representative and the union for GM Canada workers; Unifor of their intention to close in 2019. The pending closure of 5 GM plants, one plant located in Canada and 4 plants in the U.S.; were announced to front-line workers on November 26, 2018. 

The striking concern here is that a grand total of 14,700+ jobs will be affected! How will these individuals meet their societal obligations? What happens to new parents, new home owners, partners setting up their goals to correspond with societal teachings, what about aging workers who has served their company for many years and cannot undergo re-training, how will these folks pay for activities of daily living? Where does their living wage go? This creates more stress in regards to everyday living situation, couples breaking up, because their partner becomes a liability, rather than an asset. This is where the love part of the equation, and forever gets lost in the struggle for survival.


 Social disorganization theory focuses on theoretical analysis specific to location attributes; folks working in GM plants are located in vulnerable communities. One plant closure, in a neighborhood where this is the only alternative for individuals without higher education achievements; can be devastating. The GM plant in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, employs 2500 workers; whose stability and security will be impacted. This accounts for 2500, people directly affected by the GM plant closure in Canada. What about; wives, husbands, children, ailing dependents, grand-children, relatives, neighbors, friends, businesses they frequent, and more? Entire communities suffers imminent consequences of GM plant closures. Individuals stressed over issues of safety and security may become distressed to the point of delinquency engaging in criminal behaviors….now they get thrown in the justice system (government responsibility). Folks that gets frustrated experiencing illness gets thrown on disability (government responsibility), quality of life suffers, the offspring from these unions are vulnerable (government responsibility). The Oshawa community could also see a spike in homes or property abandonment due to foreclosure, people re-locating, folks thrown into homeless dilemmas (government responsibility), vandalism, loss of human dignity, diminished health, diseases & illnesses (government responsibilities). 

During my degree studies, I also researched immigration distribution in Canada --- guess what Toronto, Ontario, Canada takes in 100,000 new residents annually; this number goes up but never consistently down. If you are a new immigrant that thought you have the Canadian/American dream working with your partner at any of the 5 GM plants in North America, and made a down- payment on a home, with 1-to-2 kids to provide for; you are loosing all sense of reality with the pending closure of the GM plants. Many immigrants in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, do not even have command of the English language and cannot apply for re-training.  This is the magnitude of the problem facing individuals now!

Immigrants, Canada helps today becomes homeless tomorrow --- it’s not us against them, contrary to popular belief we are all part of this equation; if you or your ancestors migrated to Canada, if you are not Indigenous you are not the first people to occupy what is know as are essentially a colonist!

Research by Gulliver-Garcia T., 2018, disclosing Canada has approximately 200,000 homeless individuals yearly; with Toronto having the highest number of people in this sector.
"Toronto’s number is the largest, but it isn’t the greatest per capita: that “privilege” lies with Red  Deer at .31% compared to Toronto’s .19%. Lethbridge and Saskatoon are the lowest at .12% while Calgary is second highest (.29%) followed by Vancouver and Edmonton (.27%) and Kelowa (.24%) (Gulliver-Garcia T., 2018, Para. 5)."

Similarly, a google search for "Homeless in the United States", Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia, (November, 2018), reveals there are 2 million+ people in the U.S. without homes seeking assistance in any given year. At first glance one gets the opinion that Canada's economy is doing much better than the U.S. Actually, when looking at population status for the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. in 2016, recorded a population of 323 million, while Canada showed 35 million. Canada always appears better off generally, but this is not an actual fact -- Canada has a greater expanse of underpopulated land mass in comparison to the U.S., with smaller population density.


The number of homeless individuals in Canada and the United States, are not precisely accurate; this number only represents people in the system that have sort help -- there’s also a dark figure that goes unreported annually; that is to say that the actual number of homelessness in Canada/U.S. is far greater than we anticipate.. When experiencing displacement and loss of income security it takes tremendous reserve to continue fighting the same battle repeatedly over one's lifetime. It is rather easy to visualize how individuals can become disgruntled, deciding the social structure is in-conducive to safety, security, or possible prosperity.. People loose their way when decisions are made that does not include them..

On reflection: "Society is a man-made environment intended to be fairly impartial only the outcome is plagued with anything but impartiality (Kissoon, J., 2017)."

Granted society is man-made, everyone in power with the opportunity to strive for equality and impartiality will say repeatedly; I am working in favor of having a society that is fair to all fellow men. So why is it that history tells us nothing has really changed? Where is all this hard work going? Why are we no better now than centuries earlier; is it possible we are all fearful of equality! Why is society a combination of…the top 10% (our leaders), and the rest merely exist to serve the top 10%? Whilst, more and more folks end up on the breadline..we are not talking Uganda, Cuba, South Africa, or some other nationality -- this is Canada and the United States of America; immigrants are flocking to these areas for a better way of life, that is not actually better for most!

So what works? I was watching CBC news, when they mentioned our government's lackadaisical and passive tone (Canada), when told of the 2500, job loss affected by GM plant closure in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Now, if you seriously believe the union representatives had no knowledge of this decision you are deluding yourselves. Union president (Unifor) came out boasting of the collective agreement ratified in 2016, to keep the plant open until September, 2020. Well guess what December 2019, is not a mile away from September, 2020. What nine months, and these same employees in the Oshawa, GM plant would be in the same predicament, how does that actually account for a solution? Nevertheless, GM announced the plant closure publicly to everyone concerned on, November 25-and-26, 2018. Likely, the collective agreement contain a clause that allows GM, the privilege of closing shop within a specific time period! Something GM, can afford no problem are lawyers to represent their issues, therefore no legal violation..

Universally, Governments with activist agendas secure the future of the working class by protecting jobs. Descent paying jobs, with job security are essential to preventing social disorganization of communities. What does it matter if you have employment for five years and then no employment at all..?

Activist governments takes care of the economy, governments with phenomenal deficits are the ones that depend on the working class to continuously bail them out of hardship by assuming, or diverting hardships onto working class individuals. Hence, we live in a capitalist society, where workers satisfaction are inconsequential.

Research and publication by the Australian government, 2010-2011, indicates, “Responsible Economic Management,” Australia highlights an exit deficit strategy where all intentions are in support of financial growth, job security and small business protection. Further, the government net dept in comparison to G7 nations (2010-1015), is the lowest on a scale of percentage per GDP. Therefore, Australia has the most secure economic status by far to any of the G7 nations such as: Canada, U.S., Germany, U.K, or France, etc.

The bottom line…governments are responsible for countries progress, but also large companies need to assume their share of the liability; for workers in their employment. The closure of 5 GM plants in North America is a phenomenal disaster -- a crisis that cannot be overlooked for the tremendous toll this decision will have on communities and societies alike.

Without frontline workers no CEO’s can take home large contracted pay outs annually. Frontline workers are the backbone of society, there is no production without frontline workers! GM announces that by the end of 2020, with the current plant closure they will enjoy $ 6 Billion in profits.. This is rather disturbing, your employees, that took care of business and made you a phenomenal success ends up on the breadline and you count profits..


North American governments need to hold companies accountable to their employees..GM need to secure other employment for each worker. This can be at other locations where they operate nationally/internationally, or have other business partners hire their workers, or pay for re-training, or provide compensation for job loss until their employee is able to find suitable employment, etc. The Canadian P.M., announced the utilization of Government resources but this does not hold GM accountable for providing action plans for employees in their employment. Government resources  only takes care of immediate needs not long term, hence not an actual solution.

Canadian and U.S. Governments Need To Hold GM Accountable!

North American Governments' Lackadaisical Attitude In Forgiving Large Businesses/Conglomerates and Issuing Phenomenal Bailout Packages, that Gets Written Off years later is Unsatisfactory for Public Stability..

Canadian and American Societal Norms are reflected in our humanity as one nation! According to renowned psychologist, Abraham Maslow, we all need food, clothing, and shelter for immediate survival in our hierarchy of social needs (Burton, N., 2017). Humans have needs, for that matter all living things have needs; without fulfilling those needs the survival of the species is at risks. This article’s main objective was to show a path where social disorganization has a rippling effect on society. Theoretical analysis utilized to describe how industry influence community, government and human disposition. Finally, seeking alternatives to determine what works when faced with job loss!

Link To Australian Government Budget Site:

 Link To Maslow Hierarchy Of Needs:

This page is setup to support conversation for more than 14,700, GM workers facing indefinite layoffs; in 12 months. Keep the conversation going to influence North American, governments to maintain accountability for employers like GM.. Everyone's affected when jobs are lost!

Facebook Conversation Starter -- Impact of Job Loss!

Jim Cook They closed one in Janesville Wisconsin several years ago the area is one big ghetto now

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 · Reply · 5d
Joy Kissoon Governments need to implement accountability..they can't continue to use workforce to build their empire..take billions from government and then close shop..the economy suffers..governments need to order to prevent this crisis..

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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon joy the middle class is forgotten TODAY and many of the subsequent problems are the result I feel sorry for young kids today that are trying to provide for a family it's getting almost impossible with 2 paychecks coming in. I was fortunate See More

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Joy Kissoon Jim Cook I hear what you're saying..individuals retired or close to retiring are not the concern -- the real problem as you mentioned are those that still have years of service and obligations in society -- North America ought to have better laws ..emSee More

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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon I don't want to argue politics but I voted for REAGAN and i didn't have my union career in 3 years driving thru my hometown and where I worked in Chicago heights Illinois and seeing all those EMPTY factories is so depressing to me I rarely See More

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Joy Kissoon Wow..a tremendous disposition where employers are allowed in only to cash out and cripple communities..something has to change starting with GM..people get excited for jobs when a new company shows up only to start building their lives and see it torn apart..
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Joy Kissoon Jim Cook Really pleased you and your family made it through the tough times..
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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon I think it was this post that I talked about Janesville Wisconsin when GM closed within 2 years it was a violent ghetto

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Joy Kissoon Jim Cook Yep..I do believe GM is going to face a boycott..this time -- people are just sick of being treated like a tool and abandoned...
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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon I struggled for a long time but was fortunate to always have good advice I found a good union job in grocery even though my union card was building large structures I delivered pizza at night in Chicago and actually made $180 a night part time then,applied my trade with non union Parker hannifin who was a wonderful employer

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Joy Kissoon Jim Cook I feel for you and your family in your plight to get from one day to the next..blessings!
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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon years ago all that BUY AMERICAN BULLSHIT HAD nothing to do with the middle class those people were always driving 20 year old models at least if you bought a quality Volvo or Honda you were supporting UNION shipping longshoremen railroad and truckers as well as many non union jobs

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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon …………………
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Jim Cook Joy Kissoon ………………………………..

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Joy Kissoon Jim Cook I have enjoyed reading your comments and learning more about your life as well as others in the area where you grew the way you are talking to a Canadian who grew up in North American and the U.S. has always been our proud everything that happens in the U.S. tends to make inroads in Canada..nice to make your acquaintance!

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Joy Kissoon GM need to make plans to secure the well-being of each and every worker..severance and pension plan is only a part of their responsibility -- workers need to be accommodated within other GM locations or referred to partners..or re-train, or pay subsidized income until suitable work can be found..

 · Reply · 1d
Michele Burgess Let's not forget that the bailout was paid back.
Companies have to progress or die like coal! 
No company wants to lay off it's employees but at the same time, if they went bankrupt people would be bitching even louder.See More

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28 Replies

Joy Kissoon GM need to fulfill their obligation..or face boycott in North America..!
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John Mowrey This is gm s fault by building uncompetitive cars that body wants why No mention of why the new Chevy blazer is being built in Mexico Lordstown could have built it . Why are terrains built in Mexico why are full-size truckus built there why is the CruSee More

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Bryan Cochran Thank Obama for the bailout.

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4 Replies · 59 mins

December 5 · 
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Joy Kissoon Wow thanks for passing on this information -- I do believe President Trump is trying to crack down on those frivolous expenses..however all the retired Presidents start huddling having meetings trying to railroad his work..they are very scared -- Security detail included as well..
2 Like

Joy Kissoon GM need to ensure every last one of their employees are provided for and, or transferred into new positions.. Large conglomerates have the resources to provide employee satisfaction without causing public distress..governments need to act now!



Brian Williams They should be made to give every last penny to of the bail out to the unemployed employees.



Joy Kissoon Brian Williams Guess what..they already wrote a Billion+ off..therefore legally GM has no responsibility...Governments need to hold GM accountable for every single job that's going to be affected!


Brian Williams Joy Kissoon the banks and others companies should never had been given a bail out anyway. That is how it works they go under and new companies rise up. I guess to late to bitch about it now.


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Brian Williams shared a post.

Quotation & Graphics By: J.K.

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