
Leftist Radical Groups Uses The Death Of G. Floyd To Promote: Looting, Vandalism, and Burning Of Cities Across Democratic States In America!

Human Behaviors and How Words Are Utilized As Triggers..

Learning to Comprehend Behaviors -- Persons Using Trigger Words, What message Are They Sending to the Masses?

Key Words: Rioting, Police Legitimizing, Blacks Incarceration and overrepresentation, Prison Industrial Complex, Businesses Burnt/Vandalized, Whites Fearful of Blacks, Gated Communities, Democrats excuses rioting behaviors to encourage more of the same, Wealthy Paying for Police Security, Black segregation..

Update: On June 01, 2020, in an attempt to instill calm the President of the U.S.A. walked over to the church across the street from the WhiteHouse holding a "Bible" this simple gesture was met furious criticism by main stream media personnel.....on the one hand violence is condoned, or misreported and on the other disgust for Law, Order, Righteousness and Justice! What do the masses get from media stroking their behaviors...? A sort of is okay, do more, show more!

Theory: Differential Association by Sociologist Edwin Sutherland,
African American communities in predominantly Black neighborhoods are Criminalized because of Association. Yet this is for some forbidden reason not interpreted as conditioning behaviors, brought on by others who want to keep police legitimacy as a constant; who profit from prison industrialized complex and voter suppression.

Since, May 25, 2020, U.S. States are experiencing: Mass rioting, Looting, Vandalism, property damage, burning and other violent behaviors mainly in, Solid Democratic and Lean Democratic States (shown Below)!

Red States Outnumber Blue for First Time in Gallup Tracking
These riots were started with the death of George Floyd (African-American man in Minneapolis, U.S.A.); on May 25th., 2020. Initially, masses of Blacks took to the streets in Minneapolis protesting the lack of arrest, or charges for the Police Officer, that had G. Floyd, in hand-cuffs on the ground. Derek Chauvin administered a choking grip with his left knee; Floyd died, due to "Peripheral Nerve Suppression"; not a pleasant death...  

G. Floyd, came under police suspicion after he was reported for using counterfeit money at a convenience store. The owner of a nightclub in the area went on CNN to say, the Police Officer D. Chauvin, and the now deceased victim (G. Floyd), also worked for her; doing private jobs as security personnel. Later, on or about May 25th., or 26th., 2020, the Police precinct where the officer (D.C) worked went up in flames and noticeable rubble.. Soon other Democratic States and cities followed with more: looting, vandalism, property damage, targeting businesses and burning buildings across America.

On May 29, 2020, due to mass civil unrest Minneapolis Police Officer (D. Chauvin) responsible for the brutal killing (seen on video footage), lost his job, was arrested and charged with 3rd. degree murder (those charges upgraded to 2nd Degree Murder & Aiding & Abetting 2nd Degree Murder for 3 other police officers--June 03, 2020), and manslaughter, by authorities in Minneapolis . 

New charges include the other 3 Police Officers (already off the job), make it much more difficult to get a conviction in the Derek Chauvin case; simply because these were on duty police officers.. and resisting arrest is a crime, as is the use of counterfeit money... Further, protests that began in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, became violent with assaults, deaths, and millions/billions (final numbers yet to be revealed) in damages around America; not to mention the cost of recruiting thousands more Police Officers to manage rioting, looting, vandalism, property damage, burning of property-vehicles and more..

New Charges Today (June 03, 2020) is "Not" expected  to  Stop rioting across America!

People holding respecting positions among Black voters are stroking the fires to target African Americans...

Analysis: Rioters are expressing hate for "Police Brutality," however their own behaviors are legitimizing Police presence and killing of past and future generation of Blacks in America.

Influencing massive incarceration of Blacks in America, President Donald J. Trump (45th. President of the U.S.A), developed a First Step Criminal Justice Reform in America meant too: educate, rehabilitate, release non-violent Blacks, sending them back to their families, providing them with jobs; these rioters caught on film defeats the purpose, because they're attempting to say all Blacks are "Violent Offenders!"

How do you get the public to be complacent and disregard deaths, and/incarceration of young Black men? These mass rioting is creating more fear, scaring "Caucasian" into hating "Black Americans." Spreading immense fear keeps, Black Americans segregated, then scare Police and the public into believing that stamping out Blacks will keep crime down; because these are sub-human characters!

Only without Blacks they don't have jobs....the Food Chain Pyramid!

What is really happening; As rioting went on night after night, last night the ongoing concern was open vandalizing, looting and damages of business properties. Police officers were on the streets in the hundreds/thousands engaging rioters "Not Protecting Those Businesses!" Even the Fire department were slow to respond! These neighborhoods have a reputation for hiring Private Police Security; Possibly when police are hired they will protect those properties...

In America wealthy civilians hire more and more police officers to protect their property, those in law enforcement demand more militarization. More gated communities and complexes get built that lock Blacks out!

Young Black Americans breaking curfew laws on the night of May 30th., 2020, were trying to get the public to believe their behavior is not lawless, because they are peaceful protesters...How are they peaceful protesters if they are running around in the dark at all hours of the night; when a curfew was enforced?

I always wondered what Hillary Clinton meant by deplorables, or why Joe Biden made the comment at the 2016, DNC to let the little people protest, because they will let off steam and vote Democrat later, or how they were able to pass the Obama Care Act, that fooled Americans into supporting it! Jonathan Gruber's comment, "on stupid people" the very guy that supported/paid to help get support for Obama Care...These folks chose to keep America down, scare the public into staying out of schools with mass School Shootings...Promoting Education for Sale...A lot of Systemic Problems in the U.S.A.

                                                                   LISTEN To J. Gruber

Only people who cannot think for themselves to find meaningful solutions look for likeminded folks of the same color.

Analysis: The way society works in America is similar to a Food Chain Pyramid. Blacks and other minorities are at the bottom of this Food Chain, their politicians are at the very top, their actions trickles down and get folks too submit to their order. A new President elected from the business class in 2016, Donald J. Trump, is not working for those who have set up this Food Chain.

Therefore, keep some Black people on the pay roll to incite violence against their own Black people. Subjecting those innocent Black men living in poverty, to feel ignored, angry, outraged, denounce education, going on public T.V. and insisting they continue the lawless fight; then masses go out and do exactly what they're influenced into doing...burning their cities down! 

What does today's Black activist do?
They call for more violence....Total disrespect for human lives and property.. They Never Go To Aid Black men, help build their city, feed their kids, or bail them out when incarcerated, or promote criminal justice reform. Among many of the Black American community leaders, LZ Granderson (African Black man), went on CNN, openly calling for more; looting, vandalism, destruction of property, burning and violence in America...I wrote LZ on Facebook, but no response for his behavior..






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  • Watching your interview on 
     and imagine my shock and disappointment in your comments; expecting you to seek calm...You're, "Inciting, Violence, Vandalism, Looting and Burning of Minneapolis." Why does an educated Black man/men support violence...? W…

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A list Of Black Activist In America -- How Do They Live?
What Are They Doing To Stay Safe?

A Short list of Black Activist in the Media Today include those with Democratic affiliations:
  • Mayor of Atlanta, Keisha L. Bottoms Endorsed Democratic incumbent nominee Joe Biden; Ms. Bottoms went on CNN stroking the fires of racism, amidst mass; looting, vandalism, burning and other violence in many Democrat States, saying "This Revolution is not a one time event," those words excuses the behavior of rioters; essentially this is outrage for Black men dying by the hands of police.   However, "No"   outrage for more Black deaths in times of COVID-19...the U.S. has recorded more than 100,000 deaths..                                                                   Many expressing anger over President Trump message saying, the Military is being brought in for support and when the "Looting starts the Shooting starts." How do you instill fear...? Fear for violating laws? How do you get people to stay out of this grand attempt to stigmatize Black Americans as violent people that you need to fear?  
  • Toluse Olorunnipa -- Seeking to explain away violence...Therefore it is okay to break the law, die, or end up incarcerated if you have a good reason....huh
  • John Eligon -- Same attitude; it is okay to loot, vandalize and burn if you are a Black man living in America, supporting Black protesters who kneel during America's anthem
  • Democratic Mayor, Melvin Carter (African American Democrat), saying outsiders are looting and burning down their city; and Protesters love their city; very contradicting.                           However, the message is essentially saying it is okay to continue the unrest.. This Mayor while on a CNN (May 31st., 2020), interview with Jake Tapper said, it is an insult to call for peaceful protesting...huh! Calling for people to be outraged by the death of G. Floyd...What exactly is this Mayor saying?
  • Cory Booker and Kamla Harris more African American politicians (Democrats) excusing the behaviors of those rioting in cities around America. Nevertheless, these folks have a history of not supporting actual Criminal Justice Reform. Blacks in power means more African American will be overrepresented in the Criminal Justice system. C. Booker, publicly saying this cannot be a momentary show of rage....Not momentary...So exactly what is Booker saying?
  • Journalist D. Lemmon during his reporting of rioting in Minneapolis...while videos of more Black (99%), looting caught on camera, saying, "So much Pain" Black man with his car parked in front the store loading up stolen goods, is likely already in police custody, his license plates recorded...Will Lemmon and others bail out the people they sympathize with?
  • Another CNN reporter (Black) decided to inject his team into the situation and become news about police brutality against journalist...
These are only a few that had been highlighted in recent day!

Historically, famous Black American Activist Who Spoke Openly died Young, example Martin Luther King Jr. -- Born: 1929/01/15 and Died in 1968/04/04

Another historic example; Malcom X -- Born 1925/05/19 to 1965/02/21 (Assassinated)
Born from Malcolm X, is the Black Panther Political Party from 1968--to--1982; founded by; Bobby Seale (83 years old) and Huey Percy - Born 1942/02/17 and Died 1989/08/22 (Murdered).

The death of one Black man in America, used to mobilize masses of people in riots and protests that have also led to mass destruction; but no one cares about the masses dying from COVID-19?

Those same political figures that "Influences" are seeking to turn a blind eye on the other deaths caused by COVID-19...!
African-Americans continue to trust the wrong people...their own color!
MORE Police gets Hired  - And the Prison Industrial Complex keep others employed!
Risking Black lives, and destroy their own communities. These are not forgivable incidents! Blacks full the Criminal Justice System. They keep others employed with Jobs in; Policing, Courts, legislative measures and more...Not Poor Black're at the bottom of the Food Chain Pyramid!
Rioting, Looting, Vandalism, Burning and other violence make Blacks look out of control. Whites become more fearful and hire more Police Security for protection....Businesses will not hire Blacks...So who gets the jobs? Not the people who seriously need it...

Now those same folks who showed you sympathy for looting, vandalizing and burning properties, are predicting that there will be massive deaths among Black Americans for not isolating during a pandemic (COVID-19). According to reports African Americans are dying in larger numbers than any other population in the U.S., because of disease comorbidity. This population don't have jobs, living in poor neighborhoods, they're  on some sort of public assistance, or government payouts..

Abbreviations for U.S. States

Mapped Surveillance of American Deaths From COVID-19

The map above highlights U.S. States where the most testing for COVID-19 are recorded, resulting in the most deaths!

The Graph below clearly shows a slowing down of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the U.S. which is also supported by the opening of States in different phases...

Further, the health sector is already predicting massive deaths in the next month...why? Also because of congregating, mass protesting and rioting in U.S. States.. Dr. Ashish Jha affiliated with Harvard went on public T.V. making these very did many others...

So where's the silver lining? No silver lining for African Black communities, that are engaging in mass rioting across U.S. States.

Solutions: What if we kept African Americans in turmoil engaged in school/online learning, provided them with restorative justice solutions, showed them how to help others, let them feed their own families, teach them to preserve their dignity, teach them to ignore the few of color pushing them into revolution, teach Caucasians, Police Officers and Blacks to see the real enemy---AND--Not blame each other?

Hoping for stability in America -- and calling for all peoples of America, no matter your color, religious background or ethnicity to not be misguided!
- Do not hate your neighbors
- Do Not commit crimes
- Do Not Riot
- Stay in School
- Let police do their job
- If you must Protest do so peacefully in daylight
- When you need help to re-build, call on those who have given you negative advice
- Lastly give your President a chance!
- Remember who took you out of Prison with Criminal Justice Reform
- Before President Trump, this was all talk and No Action!

Meaningful Protests include: congregating in one area, having peaceful dialogue during daylight hours, playing music, listening to others, signing a petition, voting for change, speaking with your police chief, local departments, your Mayor, your Governor, going on social media, educating yourself on what works, and pledging not to cause harm to society and others!

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