COPD Cancer (WebMD)
A Healthy Smoke Free America!
The hazards of smoking are publicized everywhere: on radio stations, websites, television, on store fronts, in newspapers, flyers, by activists and researchers, in hospitals, workplaces and more; yet as a nation many of us choses to ignore those warnings!
In California the smoking age has been 21, since 2016. California Department of Public Health (2019). California 21 Law. Retrieved From
Effective immediately the U.S. Food And Drug Administration (FDA), bans smoking under the age of 21, in an attempt to keep youths healthy, and away from the dangers of cigarette smoking.
Lindenberg, G. (Dec. 26, 2019). Federal Tobacco Buying Age Increases Effective Immediately. Retrieved From
No One Wants To Be Plagued With Diseases, But Many Of Us, Once We Have Traveled The Road Of Cigarette/Other Smoking, Find it Impossible To Turn Around, To Extinguish The Light That Will One Day See Us Lying In A Hospital/Other Facility Struggling To Take Our Last Breath..
If you read this article and check the links, but still do not have the desire to quit...I challenge you visit your local hospital Oncology Department...get a first hand glimpse of individuals suffering from COPD, have a conversation if possible..
90% of individuals develop Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) from smoking cigarettes. If you thinks it's hard to quit now, please think how difficult it is to breath when the disease has grown and metastasized. A struggle for each breath means your body cannot utilize oxygen for vital processes necessary to maintain life...WebMD (2019). A Visual Guide To COPD. Retrieved From
All pictures in this article is curtesy of WebMD (2019), with thanks!
COPD: Chronic Bronchitis
Diagnosis: Spirometry Breathing Test
Diagnosis Chest X-Ray: lungs Can Appear Larger Than Normal
Treatment--Short-Acting Bronchiodilators (4-to-6 hours)
Treatment: Corticosteriods
Treatment: Lung Training Exercises, manage stress with breathing techniques and minimal daily exercises based on tolerance....walking, staying smoke free, and healthy living can increase comfort
Breathing Technique (Pursed-lip)
Oxygen Therapy
Treatment: Antibiotics
In some cases there may be the possibility of lung surgery (bullectomy), removing the infected parts, if there's enough healthy tissue, that can grow stronger to ease breathing struggles. In some cases individuals are offered organ transplant, but again your entire body have already experienced the effects of this disease, and success is never guaranteed..